
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Times are a changing....

As time moves alone, ticking away closer to Winter Solstice 2012, I see more chaos and drama and violence in the world. Yes, President Obama is attempting to make changes; but the truth of the matter is he is yet but another puppet in office that those in Power are manipulating like a puppeteer master does so well.

The health care reform - they are trying to pass the bill to make health care much like Canada - its provided to everyone but taxes and fees are higher as is the cost of living. The mighty U.S. dollar's value is dropping. I wonder if Obama is going to do what Roosevelt did back in the 1940's and drop the value of the U.S. Dollar and then pay off the trillion dollar debt the U.S is back in. That's bullshit because they actually paid the budget with monetary means that were lower in value than other foreign currency. It's slick, it's fraud but it worked and I can see President Obama doing that again as the dollar value falls. The other problem with this type of health care is that once this takes effect - all your information will go into a file and they will know who you are. Tis another way for Big Brother to keep an eye on you.

There is a new movie with George Clooney about to come out in theatres called "The Man who stared at goats". It's a comedy yet the truth within that movie is real!!! This is about a man who was used in our Government's Psi-weaponry experiments. Project Jedi - to advance and utilize a "soldier's telekinetic as well as psychic abilities" to make them a perfect killing machine. The whole purpose of using goats is that their minds are easier to manipulate. Many goats were killed in this experiment. After doing research, I came to realize that these experiments took place on Camp Hero - Montauk base in Long Island New York where Brookhaven National Laborartories sits. They have a goat farm there specifically for such experiments that although were said to have ceased, are still proceeding. This is the site where the Montauk boys are from - the young boys (such as Eric from the Columbine Shootings and several others who became known as murderers and assassins as well as sleepers) were mind controlled at this location. That doesn't surprise me that these Project Jedi, MK Ultra, MKArtichoke, MKNaomi and other mind altering/controlling experiments were done on civilians, children and military personel and enlisted.

During the Inaugeration in January, Obama made a comment in his speech about other worldly events and existences. What he was in fact talking about; that much of the world did NOT realize or comprehend, is that he spoke of extraterrestrials. Our Government has been working with them since the early 1900's. Nicola Tesla went to our president when he immigrated over here after 1889. Nicola had assistance with his inventions as he had contact with beings outside our planet - which explains why Nicola died a poor man. Our government and those that worked for them like Thomas Edison (who was strangled to death by a drunken Tesla who got away with murder in Colorado), Albert Einstein, Wilhelm Reich, Marconi and George Westinghouse which later became GE - amongst others. There are more and more sightings and abduction accounts now. They are finally releasing a 'Close Encounter' of "The Fourth Kind" in theatres. Saw the trailers for it the first time two days ago. They are putting the truth out there as fiction or sci-fi. They are trying to implant seeds within the public mind via the media so when they make their world wide appearance, the "shock" will be a bit less than had they not implanted information within.

A great deal of the truth is hidden from the general public because our government does not want a mass uprising - the psi weaponry has been used and has been used against our own people - most are just not aware of this. The Women's Peace Camp up in Seneca NY was used as targets for one of these experiments. Our own troops overseas are experimented on without knowledge. Innocent unsuspecting people were dosed with LSD at one point or another for another mind control experiment in the past. It is all part of their plan.... Do you know their agenda?